Have you ever had a teacher, mentor or colleague that left such an imprint you still remember them today? For better or worse?
In college, I was a Communication major, and truthfully, I did enjoy most of my classes. There were two, however, that weren’t my cup of tea: Communication Law and Journalism 101.
The law class you can imagine–lots of time in the library studying lengthy cases and microfiche. But the journalism class, well, that was the result of an intense teacher.
Professor Spevak was in his last teaching year before retirement and the man was tired. That semester we were learning press releases and accurate reporting, and Mr. Spevak’s rule was that if you made more than one error, you failed the assignment. Not a B- or a C…you just FAILED. It’s a little hard to write powerfully when you have the risk of immediate failure over your head.
What I know is important to YOU with your writing, is that you reach the people you desire and show them what’s possible. You want your stories to have impact, your teachings to be absorbed, your expertise to be put to use on a larger scale.
When I work with clients, especially those who are writing prescriptive memoir, advice books, etc–there are some pretty powerful tools that tend to get overlooked.
This week on Bound + Determined, I’m talking to you about the 3 Things You’re Not Doing in Your Writing, But Should!
And no, NONE of this is Professor Spevak’s advice 🙂
My goal for you, always, is to have effective, powerful writing that both lights you up and reaches the readers in the way you intend.
Don’t miss this episode to learn my 3 tools that you can implement today!
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