Step 1
Promotional Platform Coaching
“Platform”—that word you’ve likely heard thrown around in all sorts of publishing, marketing, online course and product development circles. What is it exactly?
Well, it’s your business’s currency of sorts. It’s the channels through which you build your devoted and engaged community: Email list, social media, groups, memberships and more.
When we look at platforms from the book-selling standpoint, it’s incredibly important—not only to publishers in terms of the type of deal you may be offered, but for the long-term selling of your book and the money you can earn.
The days of PR and media alone working to successfully sell a book are long gone.
Successful books are dictated largely by the platform from which they’re launched.
So, it’s my goal to get you teaching and engaging on your channels in a way that’s effective but NOT overwhelming to you. Platform building doesn’t need to be a 30 hour a week job—who has time for that?!

No matter where you are in the development of your book idea, product launch or business endeavor—it’s never too early to get started on platform work and elevating your teachings.
Ready to get started and amplify your empire? Let‘s chat!
Step 2
Book Concept & Book Proposal Development
At the heart of it, you have a vision. You’ve got something important to share, but the possibilities can be overwhelming. Creating successful book ideas and navigating the publishing industry can be tricky—and I’m here to help you move through it with confidence.
Books are a great opportunity to build your business and expand your reach—and creating a competitive book proposal is a crucial first step. It’s the foundation, the framework, the bones. Whether it’s a traditional publishing deal you dream of—or a self-publishing or hybrid model, the book proposal process will take you deeper into the clarity of your mission, determine who you want to reach, and how you will integrate your book into your work and business long-term.
Just like having a great therapist, having an experienced collaborator and coach on your side during this process ensures that your book proposal and future book is well-thought out, competitive and marketable.
Working with me also provides industry-proven advice and insight that will save you time and help you develop your idea to the fullest.

I know what publishers look for in authors and non-fiction books: I was part of that decision-making process for over 15 years. Now, my clients go on to receive substantial deals with top publishers.
Step 3
Book Launch Strategy
Hooray! Your book is underway! Either you’re close to turning in that first draft of your manuscript to your publisher or you’re close to hitting the “go!” button on self-publishing. You’re taking a loooooong exhale because, whew! That was a lot. Birthing a book baby isn’t easy!
Just when you think it’s time to head off to the Bahamas for a reprieve, you realize—Oh! I’ve got to figure out how to launch this thing!
The truth is there are a lot of book launch models out there. It’s easy to look around and try and replicate somebody else’s launch.
But with almost two decades of experience in this space, I can tell you that book launches are NOT one-size-fits-all.
There are a lot of factors that come into play when planning your promotional launch: platform size, timeline, assets, landing page, communication strategy, publisher assistance, personal bandwidth and more.
It’s my goal to create an effective strategy that works without aging you 10 years (I don’t need anymore grey hair and I don’t want that for you.)

Our goal is to sell as many books as possible while also enticing buyers early and keeping them engaged for the long-term. A perfectly choreographed launch will also build your platform and bring new business your way. Because, as we know, books themselves are tools to grow your bigger business.
I only take on a few launch strategies each year. If you’re interested in applying, click below!
Feeling lit up and ready to roll?
Let me show you how to create a marketable book idea, competitive book proposal, thriving community—and ultimately help YOU sell the bleep out of your book.