4 Surefire Ways to Promote and Sell Your Products with Ease
When people think about promoting and selling their products and services—many wince in resistance. I come across this quite a bit when I work with clients to create their marketing strategy for book and product launches. The thing is—“selling’ has evolved. Many people are triggered thinking that selling means a hard-sell—an aggressive pushing.
Well friends, relief is here…
Promoting and selling should be as heart-centered, service-oriented and organic as possible. So, if you’re an introvert and don’t crave endless hours of asking people to buy your latest product on social media—this is good news!
Here are my 4 tips to promote and sell your products with ease—and without any slimy sales lingo.
- Speak about the mission of your product. If you’re an author talking about nutrition, what’s the end game? Are you raising awareness of a certain method that has the ability to get people off unnecessary medication? Are you helping empower women to take the reins back in their healthcare? Are you promoting a method of eating that helps us eat local and preserve resources? Discuss the bigger issue your work lends itself to.
- Teach instant, tangible take-aways for your audience. The bigger picture is valuable, but it’s also important to address the person along with the mission. What the average consumer is thinking is “What does this have to do with me? Will this bring relief to something I’m struggling with?” So instead of focusing on WHY people should buy your product, teach them some instant tools that can help them now. After the implementation of those lessons, you’ll have a customer. They’ll find your work irresistible!
- Be perfectly imperfect. People respond to authenticity in all of its messiness. When you’re writing blogs and ads or creating video content or going Live on FB—be yourself. If you’re goofy or stumble over your words—great! The rest of us do the same! In a completely filtered world—especially on social media—imperfection is refreshing.
- Make the purchase easy. If you’re using a landing page, a funnel, etc. keep the language clear and the page easy to navigate. Your sales page doesn’t need to be 40 scrolls to get to the offer. Be succinct, remind people what they’ll achieve with the product (remember to address their pain point!) and then show them how to purchase. Too many hoops = lost customers.
Let me know how it goes for you!
Sending you allllll the easy sales vibes.
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