One of the most common myths I bust as a book coach is the idea that you need to keep your book’s content under lock and key.
Aspiring authors feel that if they let even a morsel of content related to their book slip into the hands of the public, they’re damaged goods—bruised fruit. No publisher will want them, and nobody will buy their future book.
The reality?
This couldn’t be further from the truth!
Publishers are LOOKING for you to be out in the world talking, sharing, and teaching on your book’s subject matter! Not only does that indicate to them that you’ve sharpened your tools and clarified your message, but it also shows that you are building a community around your future book’s content.
One of my favorite ways to do this (and this will be refreshing for those tired of the social media convo), is through podcast interviews!
Yep, you may have even noticed on my own podcast how I’ll feature an author well before their book comes out—often while they’re still crafting the idea!
Pre-PR, as I call it, has a powerful effect on brand building and laying the groundwork for your book. It also gives you some recent media hits that are sure to please agents and publishers.
Today on Bound and Determined, I’m chatting with Michelle Glogovac, The Podcast Matchmaker™, a podcast publicist, author of How To Get On Podcasts (McGraw Hill, 2024) and host of the award winning podcast, My Simplified Life. She works with entrepreneurs, authors, and experts to hone their storytelling abilities, grow their businesses, and elevate themselves as thought leaders. She’s also the Founder + CEO of The MLG Collective®.
Tune in to this episode to hear about the value of doing a podcast tour both before and after your book and how Michelle works with people to make their messages snappy and impactful! You’ll also learn about her experience becoming a published author.
Happy Listening!
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