Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
I’m going to cut to the chase.
Stop what you’re doing and go listen to this week’s episode of Bound & Determined.
I can guarantee there’s a message in here you NEED to hear.
I’m chatting with Eduardo Placer about the art of storytelling whether it’s from the page or the stage
This is a deep-dive into human nature, safety, vulnerability, silencing and so much more.
Eduardo Placer is a dynamic keynote speaker, charismatic event emcee, global facilitator, and former professional actor who has a rare ability to help people find common ground through compelling narratives that inspire and unite.
He is the founder of Fearless Communicators, a diverse, inclusive public speaking coaching company that works with emerging and accomplished thought leaders on what they say and how they say it. His clients range from presidential candidates and UN diplomats to startup founders, social activists, and industry leaders.
Drawing from his experiences in the U.S. as a proud Cuban American and member of the LGBTQ+ community, Eduardo shares his message of empowerment and belonging with audiences around the world.
In this soulful conversation, we discuss:
- The difference between authenticity and dominant authenticity.
- Looking at the shame that we tuck away, and letting truth-telling be a catalyst for growth
- Why mundane moments can make great stories
- Facing our brain bullies when sharing vulnerably
- How to choose which stories to tell
This is one of those episodes you’ll want to save and listen to time and time again. Writers wrestle with these topics and questions nearly every time we touch the page. Let this be your PhD in moving through the hard stuff so you can share your truth.
Xx, Richelle
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