The Benefits of Simplicity & Gentle Living with Courtney Carver

When I begin working on a book proposal with someone, I can’t quite envision what the world will look like years later when the book releases. 

When Courtney Carver came into my life, it was ideal timing. Deep in the throes of parenting and business-building, I was running myself ragged. Her writing was a salve to the scrapes and cuts that growth and busyness bring.

Now, on the eve of her book’s release, her work in Gentle: Rest More, Stress Less, and Live the Life You Actually Want (Hachette, GCP Balance) is landing in our mailbox (please, go order it) when we need it most.

Most folks I’m talking to are on overdrive. Our lives, internally and externally, are messy. And learning the keys to living gently feels right on time.

In this week’s episode of Bound + Determined, I’m chatting with Courtney about what felt different about creating her third book, how the idea of Gentle came to her (you may relate!), and how chronic illness impacted her career and writing. We talk about going from book proposal to manuscript and what she hopes first-time authors understand.

Courtney Carver is the founder and creator of and the Project 333 Challenge. She is the best-selling author of Soulful Simplicity: How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More and Project 333. She has been featured by Good Morning America and in The New York Times and O, The Oprah Magazine. 

If you’re feeling the pull to simplify your life and be more gentle with yourself–this episode is for you!


Xx, Richelle

Learn more about Courtney Carver on her website or follow her on Instagram.

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